fABLEd 6: Shadow and Bone (with guest host Leo Allenach)

About the Episode

Alice takes the reins as Lucy takes some well-deserved time off. Stepping into the co-host role is the passionate and knowledgeable Leo Allenach, who joins Alice for an engaging discussion centred around the popular Six of Crows trilogy and its Netflix adaptation, Shadow and Bone.

Leo guides the conversation with Alice towards an important aspect of the story: the representation of disabled characters, with a particular focus on one of the series’ beloved protagonists, Kaz Brekker. Together, Alice and Leo delve into the intricate layers of Kaz’s character, exploring how his disability is depicted throughout the narrative.

Drawing from his own experiences and perspectives, Leo shares insights into the significance of seeing disabled characters in mainstream media and how Kaz Brekker’s representation resonates with disabled audiences. They discuss the portrayal of Kaz’s disability in relation to his overall character development, examining both the strengths and potential challenges in this representation.

Throughout the episode, Alice and Leo explore the impact of Shadow and Bone’s adaptation on disability representation, considering the responsibility of screenwriters, directors, and actors in faithfully capturing and honouring diverse characters. They examine the successes and shortcomings of the Netflix adaptation in depicting Kaz’s disability and discuss the wider implications for disabled representation in the entertainment industry.

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Resources for this Episode

+ Jesper as comic relief: https://www.tumblr.com/princeoftherunaways/673290813885825024?source=share

+ S&B erasing Kaz and Inej’s pivotal PTSD: https://medium.com/@klareloveskanej/shadow-and-bone-erased-kaz-and-inejs-ptsd-stop-ignoring-that-3d1f900baedc

+ Inej’s Stunt double is a white woman in brown face: https://www.refinery29.com/en-us/2021/05/10460540/shadow-bone-netflix-white-stunt-double-inej-amita-suman

+ Report on Disability on TV in 2022: https://www.respectability.org/2022/02/disability-on-tv-2022-report/

+ Freddy Carter on “practicing” disability for the role: https://notion.online/freddy-carter-shadow-and-bone-series-netflix-interview/

+ The issue of race and racism in S&B: https://slate.com/culture/2021/04/shadow-and-bone-netflix-bridgertgon-mixed-race-representation.html

+ S&B and SoC are two different stories, with two different moralities: https://www.tumblr.com/kasamira/660441837119651840/billyblackbirdrusso-malewife-darkling-the?source=share

Episode Transcript

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